No one is a stranger at Faith Church. We welcome people of every sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, race, culture, socio-economic circumstance, marital status, ability, and challenge.
We welcome those from every tradition; people new to the faith or people without a faith; believers, questioners, and questioning believers.
We want to know you! We are all one community in Christ.
Education Hour Activities for all ages at 9:45a! Joyful Noise Children's Choir Wednesdays at 4:45p - 6p. Confirmation (Middle School) and FLY (High School) Wednesdays at 7p-8:30p. We hope to see you there!
Growing in Faith!
Join us this as we grow in God's grace through the following activities:
Everything you need to know about Children and Family Ministry HERE! Everything you need to know about Confirmation HERE! Everything you need to know about FLY HERE! Love to sing? Play an instrument? Make a joyful noise? Email [email protected] for information on all music groups starting in September.
Behold Faith's Art Gallery!
New exhibit coming soon! Check back next week, or come down to the office hall to see what's in.
Pray with us. . .
God, my Rock... Every week an image with a prayer is available to save, share and pray. These prayers are inspired by conversations about our world, our community and our congregation.