Faith's outreach ministries extend far and wide. Check out these ministries that are important to us and the way we live out our faith.
DuPage United - An organization of organizations working together to affect systemic change in DuPage County.
Interfaith ESL Tutoring - Faith partners with the PRC and other area multi-faith congregations to provide English language tutoring.
Glen Ellyn Food Pantry - An ecumenical partnership that serves people in our local communities.
Central DuPage Pastoral Counseling Center - CDPCC is a non-profit organization that provides affordable, professional pastoral counseling services to the public in an ecumenical setting.
People's Resource Center - The PRC meets basic needs, including food, clothing, and rent assistance, and offers skill-building resources, such as literacy classes, job assistance, computer training and art.
PADS (Public Action to Deliver Shelter) - The solution to end homelessness
ESSE Center Adult Daycare - The latin word "esse" means to "to be", and the ESSE purpose is to acknowledge and support the continuing life, growth and fruitfulness throughout one's life span. At ESSE, they encourage their participants ""to be" all that they can be by providing opportunities for socialization and meaningful activities in a caring environment. The ESSE Mission is to proved adult care options that promote the physical, emotional and spiritual well-being of older adults and their families.
Teen Parent Connection is a nonprofit agency serving teen parents in DuPage County as they navigate the challenges of both parenthood and adolescence. In addition, we offer school-based pregnancy prevention education programs in both middle schools and high schools to help reduce the risk of teen pregnancy.
Crop Walk
Team Faith participates each spring in the Glen Ellyn - Wheaton CROP Walk