Stories From the Pews of Faith
Members of Faith share personal experiences that highlight God's love, mercy and guidance.

Garrett Glawe
In this story, you’ll meet GARRETT GLAWE, who with his two daughters became part of Faith’s family in November 2022. In a recent conversation, Garrett talked about trying to find answers to his questions of “Now what?” as he encounters new beginnings in his life. As Easter continues to echo its good news and Spring dawns each morning, his search may match your own….
On one wall of Garrett’s home office is a mini poster from Faith’s Prayer Project: “So many peaks and valleys. Now what?” Garrett thinks of those words as a summary of his life right now. The new beginnings, the ups and downs, the unknowns and uncertainties that have come into his life. Those realities—those questions—have also guided him as he makes a new home here at Faith.
Chicagoland has been Garrett’s home for most of his life. His growing-up anchor place: Homewood-Flossmoor. The Glawes—Mom, Dad, Garrett and two sisters—were part of the fabric of that community for many years: Active members and leaders at Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church in Homewood. His father a respected bank executive and community volunteer. His mother a homemaker who always found ways to help at church. Garrett notes, “Coming back to a church home called Faith feels like a full-circle experience.”
The Glawes moved to the Naperville area when Garrett was in middle school. The family became part of the original membership of Alleluia Lutheran Church. Garrett was the sole member of the inaugural confirmation class when the congregation was still worshipping in a school gym. His parents helped raise to the money to build the church and Garrett served as the youth member on the call committee for an Associate Pastor. “Growing up, I played every sport I could get my hands on, but I was also a very dedicated student. I was good at math, and it’s fair to say that I was a bit of a nerd,” he characterizes himself.
After his Miami of Ohio undergraduate degree—a double major in finance and management information systems—Garrett earned an MBA in finance from DePaul University. Garrett and his family were active members of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Wrigleyville, where both girls were baptized. He moved to Glen Ellyn in July 2019.
Garrett’s work career has centered around investment management, financial analysis and building lasting client relationships. After working for a variety of financial services companies, Garrett eventually moved into the position of Head of U.S. Equity Indices at S&P Dow Jones Indices. He manages a global, diverse team of product managers who produce thought leadership, engage regularly with clients, promote the benefits of passive investing and manage the business strategy. Garrett shares, “I’m fortunate to manage such a highly functioning team. We’re stewards of the S&P 500—the world’s most iconic financial market index. That’s pretty humbling and something we don’t take for granted.”
In 2012, Garrett studied for and earned the prestigious Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation, which is considered the gold standard in investment management. To serve their local members, the CFA Institute established local Societies in every major city around the world. The CFA Society Chicago is the oldest investment analyst society in the world and will soon celebrate its centennial. In 2018, Garrett was voted into a board position, served as Secretary/Treasurer, Vice Chair, Chair, and presently serves as Immediate Past Chair. Along with his fellow board members, Garrett rewrote the organization’s three-year strategic plan and was instrumental in hiring the new CEO.
Garrett’s story includes other pages, some of them forming a set of new beginnings. Moving out to the burbs in 2019 has been one kind of dislocation for Garrett. His friends live in Chicago, other suburbs and distant places around the country, while his parents and siblings moved to North Carolina and Virginia. Garrett is working to build a new foundation of local friends and connections. Leaving Holy Trinity and his volunteer work with the Lakeview Food Pantry, Garrett hopes to find other outlets for serving others. “I want to be involved, to find volunteer opportunities that match my skill set.”
After about 15 years of marriage, Garrett and his wife finalized their divorce in February. He admits that this was a difficult experience for him. Reflecting on recently completing the process, he says, “This has been draining—mentally, emotionally, financially. However, now that the process is done, I’m optimistic and hopeful about the future.” He notes how his family, friends and two girls got him through the whole process. “I’m fortunate to have an extremely strong support network, including lifelong friends. Throughout the divorce, I kept my focus on what’s best for the girls. They’re my North Star.” Garrett is thankful that the co-parenting arrangements with his ex-wife have gone smoothly so far, and she has been supportive of the girls’ faith journey. The divorce represents another set of new beginnings—"Now what?” questions looking for answers.
Finding this congregation has been central in Garrett’s search for those answers. COVID-related cautions prevented him from jumping immediately into Faith’s life together. From his years as a member of welcoming and sustaining churches, though, Garrett knew the value of being immersed in the community of believers.
His motivation for wanting to be part of a church? “My mind is always racing, always chasing, so being part of this church is a great opportunity to slow down and feel closer to God. It’s been nice to have a church home during all of this. I also want the girls to grow up in a faith community. When they get older, they can choose their own path, but I think exposing them to religion when they’re young is very important.” Understanding his continuing need for close relationships, he observes, “I prefer deeper associations with a smaller number of people.”
His girls look forward to Sunday School each week and being part of the Joyful Noise children’s choir. Kayla Smrt (Faith’s Director of Children, Youth and Family Ministry); the Sunday School teachers; Kathy Zima and Dr. Zach Zwahlen (Faith’s Director of Music Ministry) have fostered the sense of belonging they need. “It’s their faith foundation, finding community,” Glawe says.
Once COVID restrictions were eased, Garrett took the initiative to meet more people in the congregation, and to find outlets for his strong inclinations to serve others. “I couldn’t sit back and wait for this to happen,” he remembers. He began get-to-know-you conversations with a few members of the church. Those coffee times yielded referrals to the names and faces of other people “you just have to know.” In these ongoing chats, he’s found personal and professional interests and affinities with those he’s met. Plus, he’s gathered appreciation of the rich spiritual heritage he shares with the people of Faith.
Garrett reflects personally about this time of transition, recalling his experiences during other start-over times in his life. “I’ve tried to have an open mind about others’ perspectives and experiences,” he remembers, “To deal with the tension between my need to control and being able to accept God’s will. I still struggle with that tension, but I try to let go of the things I can’t control.” Garrett has also managed to stay positive and optimistic. And he continues to seek out the connectors in our community. Although he sometimes faces self-doubt and anxiety, Garrett leans into his strengths, into what gives him energy. “I’m a life-long learner,” he says, “curious about a lot of things. I’m not afraid to put myself out there, meet new people and have new conversations.”
Like any of us, Garrett knows that “Now what?” isn’t easily answered. That new beginnings will take time to settle into his daily life. That life is a journey, and the answers will evolve over the years. As he considers how all this will unfold—the valleys as well as the peaks—this congregation continues to be a blessing.
Faith will continue to be his new home. The next time you see Garrett and his two girls at church, stop and say hello. That might just be the start of an exciting new beginning….
In this story, you’ll meet GARRETT GLAWE, who with his two daughters became part of Faith’s family in November 2022. In a recent conversation, Garrett talked about trying to find answers to his questions of “Now what?” as he encounters new beginnings in his life. As Easter continues to echo its good news and Spring dawns each morning, his search may match your own….
On one wall of Garrett’s home office is a mini poster from Faith’s Prayer Project: “So many peaks and valleys. Now what?” Garrett thinks of those words as a summary of his life right now. The new beginnings, the ups and downs, the unknowns and uncertainties that have come into his life. Those realities—those questions—have also guided him as he makes a new home here at Faith.
Chicagoland has been Garrett’s home for most of his life. His growing-up anchor place: Homewood-Flossmoor. The Glawes—Mom, Dad, Garrett and two sisters—were part of the fabric of that community for many years: Active members and leaders at Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church in Homewood. His father a respected bank executive and community volunteer. His mother a homemaker who always found ways to help at church. Garrett notes, “Coming back to a church home called Faith feels like a full-circle experience.”
The Glawes moved to the Naperville area when Garrett was in middle school. The family became part of the original membership of Alleluia Lutheran Church. Garrett was the sole member of the inaugural confirmation class when the congregation was still worshipping in a school gym. His parents helped raise to the money to build the church and Garrett served as the youth member on the call committee for an Associate Pastor. “Growing up, I played every sport I could get my hands on, but I was also a very dedicated student. I was good at math, and it’s fair to say that I was a bit of a nerd,” he characterizes himself.
After his Miami of Ohio undergraduate degree—a double major in finance and management information systems—Garrett earned an MBA in finance from DePaul University. Garrett and his family were active members of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Wrigleyville, where both girls were baptized. He moved to Glen Ellyn in July 2019.
Garrett’s work career has centered around investment management, financial analysis and building lasting client relationships. After working for a variety of financial services companies, Garrett eventually moved into the position of Head of U.S. Equity Indices at S&P Dow Jones Indices. He manages a global, diverse team of product managers who produce thought leadership, engage regularly with clients, promote the benefits of passive investing and manage the business strategy. Garrett shares, “I’m fortunate to manage such a highly functioning team. We’re stewards of the S&P 500—the world’s most iconic financial market index. That’s pretty humbling and something we don’t take for granted.”
In 2012, Garrett studied for and earned the prestigious Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation, which is considered the gold standard in investment management. To serve their local members, the CFA Institute established local Societies in every major city around the world. The CFA Society Chicago is the oldest investment analyst society in the world and will soon celebrate its centennial. In 2018, Garrett was voted into a board position, served as Secretary/Treasurer, Vice Chair, Chair, and presently serves as Immediate Past Chair. Along with his fellow board members, Garrett rewrote the organization’s three-year strategic plan and was instrumental in hiring the new CEO.
Garrett’s story includes other pages, some of them forming a set of new beginnings. Moving out to the burbs in 2019 has been one kind of dislocation for Garrett. His friends live in Chicago, other suburbs and distant places around the country, while his parents and siblings moved to North Carolina and Virginia. Garrett is working to build a new foundation of local friends and connections. Leaving Holy Trinity and his volunteer work with the Lakeview Food Pantry, Garrett hopes to find other outlets for serving others. “I want to be involved, to find volunteer opportunities that match my skill set.”
After about 15 years of marriage, Garrett and his wife finalized their divorce in February. He admits that this was a difficult experience for him. Reflecting on recently completing the process, he says, “This has been draining—mentally, emotionally, financially. However, now that the process is done, I’m optimistic and hopeful about the future.” He notes how his family, friends and two girls got him through the whole process. “I’m fortunate to have an extremely strong support network, including lifelong friends. Throughout the divorce, I kept my focus on what’s best for the girls. They’re my North Star.” Garrett is thankful that the co-parenting arrangements with his ex-wife have gone smoothly so far, and she has been supportive of the girls’ faith journey. The divorce represents another set of new beginnings—"Now what?” questions looking for answers.
Finding this congregation has been central in Garrett’s search for those answers. COVID-related cautions prevented him from jumping immediately into Faith’s life together. From his years as a member of welcoming and sustaining churches, though, Garrett knew the value of being immersed in the community of believers.
His motivation for wanting to be part of a church? “My mind is always racing, always chasing, so being part of this church is a great opportunity to slow down and feel closer to God. It’s been nice to have a church home during all of this. I also want the girls to grow up in a faith community. When they get older, they can choose their own path, but I think exposing them to religion when they’re young is very important.” Understanding his continuing need for close relationships, he observes, “I prefer deeper associations with a smaller number of people.”
His girls look forward to Sunday School each week and being part of the Joyful Noise children’s choir. Kayla Smrt (Faith’s Director of Children, Youth and Family Ministry); the Sunday School teachers; Kathy Zima and Dr. Zach Zwahlen (Faith’s Director of Music Ministry) have fostered the sense of belonging they need. “It’s their faith foundation, finding community,” Glawe says.
Once COVID restrictions were eased, Garrett took the initiative to meet more people in the congregation, and to find outlets for his strong inclinations to serve others. “I couldn’t sit back and wait for this to happen,” he remembers. He began get-to-know-you conversations with a few members of the church. Those coffee times yielded referrals to the names and faces of other people “you just have to know.” In these ongoing chats, he’s found personal and professional interests and affinities with those he’s met. Plus, he’s gathered appreciation of the rich spiritual heritage he shares with the people of Faith.
Garrett reflects personally about this time of transition, recalling his experiences during other start-over times in his life. “I’ve tried to have an open mind about others’ perspectives and experiences,” he remembers, “To deal with the tension between my need to control and being able to accept God’s will. I still struggle with that tension, but I try to let go of the things I can’t control.” Garrett has also managed to stay positive and optimistic. And he continues to seek out the connectors in our community. Although he sometimes faces self-doubt and anxiety, Garrett leans into his strengths, into what gives him energy. “I’m a life-long learner,” he says, “curious about a lot of things. I’m not afraid to put myself out there, meet new people and have new conversations.”
Like any of us, Garrett knows that “Now what?” isn’t easily answered. That new beginnings will take time to settle into his daily life. That life is a journey, and the answers will evolve over the years. As he considers how all this will unfold—the valleys as well as the peaks—this congregation continues to be a blessing.
Faith will continue to be his new home. The next time you see Garrett and his two girls at church, stop and say hello. That might just be the start of an exciting new beginning….
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Art Oberwetter
Beatrice Ndayisenga
Karen Finerty
Cole Swanstrom
Melanie Rohla
Kathy Dibadj
Bob and Sylvia Wulffen
Jason Loebach
Bob Hawkinson
Molly Hall Barrett
Grant and Mary Kelley
Retta Hennessy
Alan Foster
Pilvi Innola
Amy Kerman-Gutzmer and Patrick Gutzmer
Andrew Sells
Beth Nyland
Tom Wendorf
Cindy and Jeff Crosby
David Hooker
Leroy Boeckelman
Zach Pehta
Emil and Mary Petereit
Chris Bettin
Lee Boyden
Brent Ellerbee
Craig and Sue Warner
Jane Stroh
Michael Kozakis
Lois Evans
Wally Becky
Joe Malm
Rich Daugherty